Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So, today was interesting.

I picked up Geazul up in the morning. When we were near school I ended up having to park in the residential area instead of on Mission. We get out of the car and Geazul's all pissed that her pants got wet somehow and how it looked like she pissed herself. It wasn't even near her crotch! It wasn't bad at all. Anyways, I thought it got wet because maybe she brushed her leg against my car and it had rained the night before so yea. We walk towards the school and I see something dripping from her bag....yea, a drink spilled.

Econ wasn't that bad today. I actually wasn't as annoyed with her as I usually am, and I participated and answered questions. Time passed by pretty quick for a block period.

Tutorial: I couldn't help but laugh at Geazul when I saw her carry all her stuff in a SMALL ass Sephora bag with some of her stuff in it. I feel so bad, but Geazul! know, that IS pretty funny. What else happened in tutorial? Eh nothing too special.

English: OMG!! this class went by HELLAAA slow. We worked on grammar correction wkshts and punctuation wkshts. The part that killed me was corecting them. By the time we started correcting the second paper, I just wanted to sleep so bad! I just wanted to drop! That class is hella muhfckin BORING! All the while I was tired, Geazul and I couldn't help but laugh at 360. I'm SORRY! but, omgahd ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Then we watched a bit of Othello

Lunch I had a veggie burger, and Geazul was pissed at ASB.

Dance We had a guest dancer today, but she didn't do shit but sit on her ass...... it's Geazul. Surprise surprise. So the 5-6's go into the office and, it's Dez, Geazul and I, and we're just laughing our asses off about 360.

7th period WE DIDN'T GO! Lol so I was supposed to go to spanish...but we were gna have a sub and I knew no one was gna go so Geazul told me to just Physio with her 'cause they have a sub too. I'm waiting for her and Lizzie, but they're taking hella long to come out of the dance room. And I come up with this brilliant idea....why the hell am I gna go to THEIR 7th period when they have a sub too. So they finally come out and we decide to just leave.

Once we're out of the school gates we head to the car and sit thinking of where we're gna go. Then finally, Novio ('cause I'm tired of having to type "Geazul" all the time...and she's been mentioned all over this blog!) says "Costco!" SAMPLES DUHH!... We went and it was fun! We got a cart so we didn't look hella stupid, but of course, you gotta put something in the cart too. So we're walking and we come across plants and I'm thinking "Hmmm" in my head. Then I say it outloud...Lizzie's thinking the same thing. We grab the plant and put it in the cart. Ahahaha so here we are at Costco...I know we don't look old enough to be on our own...and we're walking around with a big plant in our cart. What the eff. We get samples and I can't help but laugh at the accent (sorrehhh). Oh and freakin Rusty was being a party pooper and didn't wna stick around with us. He wanted to be on his own, walking around costco. Loser! Jaykay baybeh. I luhhhh you. Before we leave, we head to the food court. Leave with churros, and a berry smoothie for meh and Rusty. Swirl Sundae for the two ladies.

We're back at school to drop off the two athletes. Rusty with track and Lizzie with swimming (sorry girleh it must really suck to be the only girl). THENNNN, Yvan, Novio and I decide to work out! Club Jeff. We're on treadmills, and bike thingys. It felt good!

Mother calls and I have to go home. We go to serramonte once I get home. Got a new pair of boots...heyyy. We bonded. We got yogurt after.

Home and mommeh makes tomorrow's baon. =)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look who finally got a blogspot

Yea, I think I'm retiring my xanga. I've had that baybeh for three years or more, probably. Maybe I'll go back to it once inna while.

Anyways, I wish my internet worked yesterday because I needed it more than ever yesterday than I do right now. I needed to blog.

Jeez, last night was horrible. I cried so much that when my tears went down my face, my face burned! Or maybe it was from wiping my face with my sweater. Sigh. I can't really talk about it now that it's over. Whatever. I'm still overwhelmed and frustrated and tired.

I have 3 more months, 3 more months til graduation! College here I come!...great.

I'm going to Dominican and I'm dorming =/ ...before I knew I was going to Dominican, I wanted to go there and stay there, just to get away from my parents, but now that I'm pretty much know I'm going there, I'm hesitant. I'm really going to miss everyone, terribly. Oh jeez, and not seeing Geazul or Rusty days and days at a time makes me want to cry!! Girrrrl, what am I going to do without you?!?! =( (omg, I think I'm really going to cry) I don't want to live with strangers and share bathrooms!!! Who else is gna speak spanglish with me? Who else is going to be Tubby's friend? Who's gna be a GROWN GIRL with me? (I'm not gna ask who else is going to be my novio, because you're irreplaceble!) Like seriously novio =( ...when my parents come pick me up at the end of the week, you have to come with them!
