Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look who finally got a blogspot

Yea, I think I'm retiring my xanga. I've had that baybeh for three years or more, probably. Maybe I'll go back to it once inna while.

Anyways, I wish my internet worked yesterday because I needed it more than ever yesterday than I do right now. I needed to blog.

Jeez, last night was horrible. I cried so much that when my tears went down my face, my face burned! Or maybe it was from wiping my face with my sweater. Sigh. I can't really talk about it now that it's over. Whatever. I'm still overwhelmed and frustrated and tired.

I have 3 more months, 3 more months til graduation! College here I come!...great.

I'm going to Dominican and I'm dorming =/ ...before I knew I was going to Dominican, I wanted to go there and stay there, just to get away from my parents, but now that I'm pretty much know I'm going there, I'm hesitant. I'm really going to miss everyone, terribly. Oh jeez, and not seeing Geazul or Rusty days and days at a time makes me want to cry!! Girrrrl, what am I going to do without you?!?! =( (omg, I think I'm really going to cry) I don't want to live with strangers and share bathrooms!!! Who else is gna speak spanglish with me? Who else is going to be Tubby's friend? Who's gna be a GROWN GIRL with me? (I'm not gna ask who else is going to be my novio, because you're irreplaceble!) Like seriously novio =( ...when my parents come pick me up at the end of the week, you have to come with them!



  1. glecie. I know that this might sound weird and odd and whatnot, but i like the dominican dorms.

    just saying.

    welcome to the blog world.

  2. Novio!
    Welcome to the blog spot world that Ms.Goering showed to us,haha.

    Honaaaaay,you're going to make me cry=( Actually,i teared reading this shit! Who is that GROWN GIRL/Novio/Rose/Tibby/etc...of yours? She sounds AWESOME.=)

    you deserve the best and you are going to receive the best, By going to Dominican you're not only giving yourself a brighter future,you are as well brightening up the future for your parents.They must be really proud of you...omg! you're making me cry=( We talked about this 3rd...I wish my mom would care about any of my fucking grades!

    Anyways,yeah it makes me sad thinking that you will be far far away.Not that far,but i mean...who will i go to when i need to cry?=( Or who will i go eat a sandwich with? Who will walk beside me?=( Who will go downtown with me just for the hell of it? Who will laugh at my jokes nonstop? Take hella pictures with? Who will i stare at when something is funny but i dont want to say anything? Who will get annoyed by the same fucking annoying ass people? Who will match with me?Shop with me? Scream with me!? Hit me/(haha,makes you sound violent)...point is...WE have been through a shit load together and have come a long way. We are no longer those two girls that were acquaintances... we are some Grown ass motherfucking girls!And one that i call my BEST FRIEND GLECIE=) You've seen it all...and there will be more! Honaaay, our future will consist of many more adventures...because eating yogurt is NOT dangerous.haha...And we will go dancing and Vegas and spa day and you know what? We will be friends for a loooooong time. Sorry but once you befriend me, ITS damn HARD to get rid of me=)

    Thats right greh,better not look for another novio!My Spanglish....I CAN record myself talking,ahaha...It wont be the same,but something is something...Enough weeping!

