Monday, May 4, 2009

So, uhm

This prom shit is stressin me out! First of dress still hasn't arrived yet! Wednesday forsure! (bitches! ughh!) Then, I have no idea how the hell I'm gna get to prom. Idk who I'm sitting with/around...all I know is Geazul better be at the same table. After prom, Idk how the hell I'm gna get to the telly (if my parents even fuckin let me stay out). F everything.

I'm gna throw a bitch fit if my parents don't let me out after prom. Fuck that shit. I've been working hard all year, I've held out for so fucking long and I think it's time I've had my fun. I deserve it!


  1. I don't have a fucking ride either!!!!!!!! uuugh. and i want to stay out too! BLECH. i feel ya gruh gruh.

  2. Honey,i fell ya!
    i just fucking blogged about prom too..haha
