Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. For July 4th, I go with Geazul to Emeryville. It was crackin.

So we get there and everyone settles in and gets the food together. Geazul and I sit there because we aren't quite sure to do. Time flies until Gabe starts grilling mini sirloin burgers and I volunteer to help because it made me feel like I actually knew how to cook...when all I really did was scoop the meat and compacted them, I didn't even put em on the grill! Gabe did this thing where he put the cheese in between two patties. And boy, those were deeeelish. While eating Gus makes margaritas and asks if I want one but they all tease and say no alcohol for me (or else I'll call at 7am in the morning...long story...prom night...haha). I ask for one anyways. So we all eat then head to the pool.

When we get to the pool, I first dip my feet in to see if it's cold, and it's actually pretty warm. I get in, we all get in. I wanted to do a whirl pool. So we all get in a cirlce, and it isn't that successful, so I don't think they got the fun part of it. Whatever. Played Chicken, showed some Water Aerobics workouts, TRIED to teach Geazul how to swim. But that was a major her part! Lol. It's true though, when you try to teach someone you know how to swim...they won't listen. My nieces! Omgahd! Anyways, Herlene and I get out the pool to lay out in the sun. I wanted to even the tan line that was on my chest haha. While laying out in the sun, I see some guy bring hookah into the pool. And Geazul and I go all googli eyed ahaha.

We head back to the house. Where I eat some more. I took a shot of Henn and Kristina (sp?) mixed a drink for me...which I didn't end up finishing cuz I was hella full and I was not tryna get tipsy. No no no no! I promise to only get fucked up around people who KNOW me like that...and Geazul was the only there who knows me like that. So nahh, I'll save it for another time. We both know our limits, so that's good. And we know when it's the right time haha. Kareoke in the mean time (not me, anyways)...I'm sitting by the food, go figure. While that goes on, I'm entertained by Alfred who danced to almost every song played haha. He's a wonderful dancer. Yvan would have LOVED him.

Geazul and a couple of other people and I also played volleyball outside in the grass. Which I thought, was very fun...even if Geazul sucked. Lol. Just Kidding! You were better at soccer though! LMAO! We also attempted cheerleader shit on camera. Wasn't very successful...My face wasn't even on the camera, ahahahahahahahaha. Then we did cartwheels. That was fuun.

Fireworks time, I take another shot before I go hoping that it wouldn't affect me, thank goodness it didn't. Gus drives to where ever but the police just directs us the other way. So he parks at some shopping center and we walk. We ended up by the water, and I mean VERY close to the water...on the rocks and we saw like 3 different places blowing up fireworks...but we were hella far. Regardless, the water was nice. I went down the rocks and there was this long piece of wood which I turned into a sitting on it haha.

I'm exhausted by the time we get back to the place. That still doesn't stop me from eating though. I wasn't even hungry...but it jsut gave me something to do. Time flies and Gus drives us home. The little boy who rides back with us falls asleep on my shoulder...haha how cute. Then I get dropped off, but on the way there...some kyna firework across the street blows up...and it's just this loud ass explosion and I could have sworn we all shit out pants. It was hella unexpected.

That pretty much sums up my 4th of July.


I went to serra with my parents. Damn, it was a shopping spree. 3 dresses. 2 swim suits. VS bra. 2 pairs of jeans. Bare Esenctuals brush cleaner. I'm pretty much done for awhile.

Kirsten's telly on Thursday (aka Geazul's summer slumber party)..hopefully I go. Also this summer I plan to/want to
-go swimming..outdoors
-theme park
-Sky High
-Asia SF, Poleng Lounge
- camping, picnics
-clubbing, hookah bar
-take a belly dancing class (prob too late)
-...more to come

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hot and Sweaty!

So yesterday I went to Rusty's niece, Cassie's 1st birthday party...which is the first family party of his which I have ever attended. Yayy, hopefully I can go to his cousin's bday celebration at Beijing Buffet...'cause I've been feenin some Chinese food!

So Sonia (his sister) picks me up and we head to their place. While there, we watched some dance competition on MTV that Adrienne, the Cheetah Girl was hosting. And it was halarious. I think it was just a competition for people who normally don't dance. These were like Country kids dancing to Boom Boom Pow! I could hella tell the judges wanted to laugh too hahaha. And this one girl dislocated her knee...eeek!

We get to the party and I feel hella like Uhhhhhh 'cause there were hella kids and they just kept staring. I guess Rusty felt the same 'cause when he got there he didn't know anyone there either haha...until we get upstairs to see his brother-in-law who tells us to eat...and in my head I'm like "Okay!" Shiet, it gives me something to do haha instead of just sitting there doing nothing!

So we eat and I meet cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, family friends, etc. Then Jenn (Rusty's other sister...the mother of Cassie) gets in the Jumper with a little boy, but she gets tired so we trade. Now I'm in the jumper, in my dress, but it's hot out, so who gives a shit. And this little boy is the cutest thing ever! His name is Evan and he's half filipino/half idk. But yea so we jump and he kept holding on to me...awww! I had him hold on to my fingers because his hand we'rent big enough. The jumping was fun! It was hella hot in the house so it was better to be outside. And while jumping, I felt more air so that felt good (maybe it was 'cause I was wearing a dress, idk...but no it didn't fly up haha). I started getting tired from the jumping and picking Evan up everytime he fell. His dad was watching the whole time (maybe 'cause a total stranger was playing w/ his son, lol jk. He was cool) and saw I was getting tired so he called Even over to get out...but he didn't want to! I had to bring him out though, they were going to eat. Then he started crying! =(

We all went upstairs where he cried himself to sleep. They evetually left, pretty early too. I hope I se him again =) Hehe. There was a multiple series of going in and out the house. I did get a Mrs. Field's cookie cupcake, made by was sweet, but it made my sweet tooth happy. I saved that for later, which I then ate with milk. I also got a Hannah Montana Green Apple Pushpop from the kids hahaha. was an extra so yea. The cake was deelish! I think the cake came from the same place where Janice got her cake for her grad party. It was a white cake with strawberry and banana filling...yum!

Before we left...I was getting antsy and sleepy from the hot weather inside the house. We watched Tokyo Drift. My legs were sweating from just sitting down on the couch. Yuck.

Sonia dropped me home and we had some cool conversations. No awkwardness, thank goodness.

Today I wake up to a text message from Geazul...11 at DC bart (to sum things up, haha). I look at my fone and it's like 10:39 or something like that. Fuck! So I snooze for a bit more then wake up to a phonecall from my mother asking if I wna come to Oakland. ????? Haha. For what?! To go check out a park, she says. She's thinking of having a picnic and heard it was nice out there. And it was! I think of Oakland as City. But that area was like fkin Oakland HILLS haha. Nice, big, expensive houses in the mountains overlooking the Bay. It was nice out there. We get to the park, there's a pool, a playground and trails. Cool. And dogs are allowed, so King's coming! We walked the trails and the sun was burnin. I kept wanting to walk the trails under the trees but my dad felt otherwise...until he explores the areas in the sun. Anyways, it was a nice, short adventure..with the parents, weeeeiird. We head back home n go to Serra. I get out the car and it definitely isn't as hot as it was back in Oakland. Im wearing shortds btw...ahhhhhh! Cold.

So I can't wait to go camping. I want to swim in Earth water....not pool water! My dad has a fishing pole that needs to be used also. Oh and great, I'm subbing for someone tmrw morning. 8:45am-12pm Lessons. Great. Ugh. Then water aerobics at night.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prom Weekend = Craaackinnn

So before prom I get my hair and makeup done. My makeup was fucking ugly! The gay guy who did it used some foundation two shades lighter than my actual skin color and it didn't even look like I had eyeshadow on. He did my hair too, nothing to really complain about. I got what I asked for. Once I get home, I try to fix my face, darken my eyeshadow and make my face look more natural looking. Put on my dress and shoes then babe came!

Sigh. Rusty walks in through the door and I'm amazed at how pogiii he looks! Lol, yes my boyfriend is hella pogi. My baby looks sexy in a tux! (actually, he's sexy in general). Anyways, pictures with the corsage, garter (for both of us), and his boutinnere(sp?). It was funny. Then Sonia gives drops us off to prom.

Dinner was good, didn't get to try the cheesecake cuz we waited in line to take pictures for like an hour. I barely danced. But I had a lot of fun.

Theeeennn...prom was over. Our original plans hadn't worked out so we end up cabbin it to a diff telly. CRACKIN! Got waasted. Anyways, I'm one annoying ass drunk. Apparently, I don't knock out OR yak. I stayed up all night/morning talking to no one/whoever wanted to reply.

"Tomorrow's mother's day guys, I have to go to church tomorrow morninggg"

"Let's pray that we're still alive in the morning"

Oscar :What's so funny Glecie?
Glecie: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"I have to peeeeeeeeeeee again."

That's pretty much it. No regrets. I had my fun. Thanks to those I shared it with...and most especially my date! Even though he was 'bouta do the sleeper hold on me 'cuz I wouldnt stfu. Lmao.

Monday, May 4, 2009

So, uhm

This prom shit is stressin me out! First of dress still hasn't arrived yet! Wednesday forsure! (bitches! ughh!) Then, I have no idea how the hell I'm gna get to prom. Idk who I'm sitting with/around...all I know is Geazul better be at the same table. After prom, Idk how the hell I'm gna get to the telly (if my parents even fuckin let me stay out). F everything.

I'm gna throw a bitch fit if my parents don't let me out after prom. Fuck that shit. I've been working hard all year, I've held out for so fucking long and I think it's time I've had my fun. I deserve it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Um, so graduation is right around the corner! ...well a little's actually prom which is right around the corner. The dress I ordered online hasn't come in yet, who knows if it'll come in by the time prom is here. Whatever. I have a backup dress....but it's green and black, ew. Whatever.

I was supposed to go watch movies with Rusty today, until my mom found out about my F in trig. I decided to stay home.

BLAH! I won't be using this for awhile...obviously.

Oh yea, Tuesday was mine and Rusty's One Year. April 21, 2009. Woop dee doo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Track Meet

I watched Rusty's track meet today. Before today I had never watched one and I was excited...especially to see my baybehh (and it was the first time in 4 years that there was a track meet at Jeff, on the new field too!)! All his races consisted of the hurdles. I stood in the sun cheering him on =) Good job today babe. Jeff hella squashed Mission HS! I swear, I had never ever seen people run so fast in my life! I felt sooo bad for the other team. Hella kawawa =(....I know how they feel tho...haha in swimming, I eat their fucking bubbles!

Speaking of swimming, there's a swim meet tmrw. I think I'm timing...or score if they need me too.

Anyways, after the meet Rusty and I ate at L & L. Still, no rice for me...just a side of macaroni salad and some of his chicken. Then we waited for his mom to pick him up and so we waited in the car and made funny faces.

All the while I'm at school/out, my mom calls and tells me she's at Gilroy with my cousin and the babies. AHHHHHHHH!!! I wanna go shopping soooo bad! EH. Well, at least she's getting me something. =/

Monday, March 9, 2009

Beautiful Surprise by India Arie

It's like yesterday
I didn't even know your name
Now today
You're always on my mind
I never could have predicted that I feel this way
You're beautiful surprise
Intoxicated every time I hear your voice
You've got me on a natural high
It's almost like I didn't even have a choice
You are a beautiful surprise

Whatever it is you came to teach me
I am here to learn it cause
I believe that we're written in the stars
I don't know the future hopes
But I'm living in the moment
And I'm thankful for the man that you are, you are, you are
You are everything I ask for in my prayers
So I know my angels brought you to my life
Your energy is healing to my soul
You are a beautiful surprise
You're the inspiration to my life
You're the reason why I smile
You are a beautiful surprise




One of the only things that's been good to me lately. Year one, April 21, 2009.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

ahh, now a REAL blog

So once we get back to school on Friday from the fieldtrip...I don't plan on going to 7th period...wtfuck? who would? So I just go to my car and try calling up Tracy to meet up and chill or something...'cause I'm gna be by my fucking self on a mothafucking Friday 'cause Rusty has practice and... (whatever).

So Rusty leaves for practice..and I'm sitting in my fucking car waiting for Tracy's replies...and it's getting me nowhere. "We're not gna end up hanging out" I'm thinking. So I text her saying "Fuck it. Nvm, I'm just gna go home"...I decide maybe to wait for Rusty to get out of I my car...ALONE...waiting, for what seems to feel like HOURS. But I' m pretty sure, I was in that bitch for at least an hour waiting for a GAHDAMN miracle to happen. But it didn't. I remember eating my fucking feelings out with chocolate cake knowing that other people are "having the time of their life" right now, with no worries and not a care in the world about anything or anyone but themselves and the people they are with. Then my mouth gets all cakey and I'm thirsty. So I finally drive down to Westlake and grab myself some Jamba Juice. I check Miki's out for some sunglasses and I guess the ones I tried on last time weren't there anymore...or they just didn't look as good on me as they did last time. Then I go over to DSW hoping to find a good deal on shoes since I didn't get shit at Berkeley. I saw a couple cute things...but nothing special called out to me. After, I get some cheese fries at Slider's and eat them in the car ('cause I haven't had enough car time already...right). Later on, Rusty calls and says he's out of practice. I pick him up and head over to his place.

Yea....what a disappointment, right? Now that I think of it, I should've hanged out with Augie and fucking burned or something so I can forget what a crappy ass day I had, and a crappy ass day I had made of it. But then again...I think I need to be by myself more often...I know they say that "you can't do it alone"...well I've done it "not alone" for awhile now and it's about time, I learn.

I need to fucking graduate and LEAVE already.

On a happier note, my nieces and nephew are coming next week.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This week went by fast

Wednesday was interesting. After 3rd period (hoe!!) Geazul, Dez, Bongie and I leave during lunch. We go to Fremont, Ohlone College to drop off the competition papers. (Zaaan, I'm on a role. Senior year is the first time I'm cutting school...and I've been cutting a lot lately) Geazul walked around the campus looking where to drop off the papers while the other two stayed in the car. We're walking around and we see some guy who looked like he was turfing...I'm like wtfuck? They still do that shit in college? Egh. Found the place, gave the bitch the papers....and we're like uhhhh? No receipt whatsoever? Whateva.

Wal-mart! We're at the make up section for hella long. I look for mascara and I'm overwhelmed with which one to get. "I want volume, not length!" ...I was gna get the Colossal mascara...but then Geazul found this cooler one so I ended getting that hoping it would make my eyelashes extra thicker since they're already hella long.

I'm not very descriptive compared to Geazul's blogs...but it was fun.

Um, today? The usual. Afterschool went to Rusty's then had to go back to school 'cause he had practice. On the way we grabbed some popcorn chicken from Arby's. It was bomb. Better than KFC's.

Get to school and work out with the usual people, plus a new addition...Bongie!

Yvan wanted to go to Target to get food for tomorrow's field trip (hollerrr!). On the way there, my mom calls and tells me that Dominican is giving me scholarship money. So Target had its when fucking Stefano shoves some Transformer toy in my face!! Lmao...that shit was hella funny, even though it happened to me. He's like "Look Glecie, MEGATRON!" At first i thought he was just gna put it hella close to my face...but then he keeps going and hits my face, and my head hella goes back. Ahahaha. Good shit, good shit.

I'm exhausted as hell. I drop off Bongie and Stefano. Then Yvan wants to get a burrito for his I'm driving off Hillside onto San Jose/Mission....then I fucking drive over a pothole of some shit?! Or a drainage that didn't have a cap over it. Seeing it didn't look bad...until I drove over it, it fucking made a loud ass sound and the car sorta tipped. I thought it scratched the car...nah. Thank Goodness! Shit.

Get home, eat. I check out the letter Dominican sent. $17,900. That's a lot of money, and I'm thankful for it....but that doesn't even cover half of the total expenses. ZAAAAAN!

Anyways, goodnight. Berkeley tmrw, hollerrr! Shoppinggg, hollerrr!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So, today was interesting.

I picked up Geazul up in the morning. When we were near school I ended up having to park in the residential area instead of on Mission. We get out of the car and Geazul's all pissed that her pants got wet somehow and how it looked like she pissed herself. It wasn't even near her crotch! It wasn't bad at all. Anyways, I thought it got wet because maybe she brushed her leg against my car and it had rained the night before so yea. We walk towards the school and I see something dripping from her bag....yea, a drink spilled.

Econ wasn't that bad today. I actually wasn't as annoyed with her as I usually am, and I participated and answered questions. Time passed by pretty quick for a block period.

Tutorial: I couldn't help but laugh at Geazul when I saw her carry all her stuff in a SMALL ass Sephora bag with some of her stuff in it. I feel so bad, but Geazul! know, that IS pretty funny. What else happened in tutorial? Eh nothing too special.

English: OMG!! this class went by HELLAAA slow. We worked on grammar correction wkshts and punctuation wkshts. The part that killed me was corecting them. By the time we started correcting the second paper, I just wanted to sleep so bad! I just wanted to drop! That class is hella muhfckin BORING! All the while I was tired, Geazul and I couldn't help but laugh at 360. I'm SORRY! but, omgahd ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Then we watched a bit of Othello

Lunch I had a veggie burger, and Geazul was pissed at ASB.

Dance We had a guest dancer today, but she didn't do shit but sit on her ass...... it's Geazul. Surprise surprise. So the 5-6's go into the office and, it's Dez, Geazul and I, and we're just laughing our asses off about 360.

7th period WE DIDN'T GO! Lol so I was supposed to go to spanish...but we were gna have a sub and I knew no one was gna go so Geazul told me to just Physio with her 'cause they have a sub too. I'm waiting for her and Lizzie, but they're taking hella long to come out of the dance room. And I come up with this brilliant idea....why the hell am I gna go to THEIR 7th period when they have a sub too. So they finally come out and we decide to just leave.

Once we're out of the school gates we head to the car and sit thinking of where we're gna go. Then finally, Novio ('cause I'm tired of having to type "Geazul" all the time...and she's been mentioned all over this blog!) says "Costco!" SAMPLES DUHH!... We went and it was fun! We got a cart so we didn't look hella stupid, but of course, you gotta put something in the cart too. So we're walking and we come across plants and I'm thinking "Hmmm" in my head. Then I say it outloud...Lizzie's thinking the same thing. We grab the plant and put it in the cart. Ahahaha so here we are at Costco...I know we don't look old enough to be on our own...and we're walking around with a big plant in our cart. What the eff. We get samples and I can't help but laugh at the accent (sorrehhh). Oh and freakin Rusty was being a party pooper and didn't wna stick around with us. He wanted to be on his own, walking around costco. Loser! Jaykay baybeh. I luhhhh you. Before we leave, we head to the food court. Leave with churros, and a berry smoothie for meh and Rusty. Swirl Sundae for the two ladies.

We're back at school to drop off the two athletes. Rusty with track and Lizzie with swimming (sorry girleh it must really suck to be the only girl). THENNNN, Yvan, Novio and I decide to work out! Club Jeff. We're on treadmills, and bike thingys. It felt good!

Mother calls and I have to go home. We go to serramonte once I get home. Got a new pair of boots...heyyy. We bonded. We got yogurt after.

Home and mommeh makes tomorrow's baon. =)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look who finally got a blogspot

Yea, I think I'm retiring my xanga. I've had that baybeh for three years or more, probably. Maybe I'll go back to it once inna while.

Anyways, I wish my internet worked yesterday because I needed it more than ever yesterday than I do right now. I needed to blog.

Jeez, last night was horrible. I cried so much that when my tears went down my face, my face burned! Or maybe it was from wiping my face with my sweater. Sigh. I can't really talk about it now that it's over. Whatever. I'm still overwhelmed and frustrated and tired.

I have 3 more months, 3 more months til graduation! College here I come!...great.

I'm going to Dominican and I'm dorming =/ ...before I knew I was going to Dominican, I wanted to go there and stay there, just to get away from my parents, but now that I'm pretty much know I'm going there, I'm hesitant. I'm really going to miss everyone, terribly. Oh jeez, and not seeing Geazul or Rusty days and days at a time makes me want to cry!! Girrrrl, what am I going to do without you?!?! =( (omg, I think I'm really going to cry) I don't want to live with strangers and share bathrooms!!! Who else is gna speak spanglish with me? Who else is going to be Tubby's friend? Who's gna be a GROWN GIRL with me? (I'm not gna ask who else is going to be my novio, because you're irreplaceble!) Like seriously novio =( ...when my parents come pick me up at the end of the week, you have to come with them!
